Jumat, 10 April 2015

mini dictionary project

When I am teaching about deseases, sudennly come across in my mind to make a project. Yeah "mini dictionary" . Students feel fun to do this project. They enjoy so much.

Mini dictionary is a solution for vocabulary building strategy. All students fill  the words by themselves so the vocabulary suitable the lesson materials they are studying.
 Look at the project photo it's cool.

a glas of Coffee helps me stay up

Finish teaching one school go to an English course. While waiting , I often get a sleep, take a nap in the office. In fact I hate taking a nap in the office.

 I think a glass of black coffee helps me stay up. Yes , it works. Not a beer or cola but black coffee.

 My lecturer said, learning English isn,t going to be an englishman. You just learn the language and the culture. Some students who learn English sometimes have western in their life style. ITU salah besar. APA kalau orang bile minum biir kita juga minum bir . atau orang bule kumpul kebo kits juga kumpul kebo. Gak deh. Dozen says dulu belajr di new Zealand , sembari belajar kerja dikafe kemudian ditawari bir, jawabnya gampang I am sorry I don,t drink beer.
  Gak nyambung yah tulisanya ",$uka$uka 9ue lah"

Kamis, 09 April 2015

cara dapat uang dari kerja sambilan dengan smartphone

Sebagai guru bukan PNS anda tenth tahulah, harus pandai pandai cari obyekan. Nah Kali ini ada cara unik dapat penghasilan tambahan dengan menambang bitcoin caranya cukup daftar di tambang bitcoin. Kemudian buat dompet atau tempat nyimpen uang bitcoin tsb di blockchain.info atau coinbase.com

Setelah gabung lihat setiap hari hasil tambang anda. Klik gambar batu atàu emas dan tanda tanya, 1 bitcoin = 245 dollar banyak yah kalau rupiah yah tiga jutaan
 Ini link tambang bitcoin

Selasa, 07 April 2015

rpp duh rpp

RPP singkatan Dari rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Saya paling malas bikin RPP. Gimana sih guru kok gak punya RPP. Gak APA APA lah saya gak sedih jadi guru asal. Asal ngajar gak tahu bener atau gak.
Kalau saya dibilang tidak punya perencanaan gak juga. Saya buat rencana atau saya punya rencana tapi tidak tertulis.
Kalau tidak ada rencana, dak berani masuk kelas. Nh jangan ditiru kebiasaan tidak buat RPP. Kalau buat Rp sih semangat aja. Hidup Rp

Senin, 06 April 2015

overload works to do

It is time to have rest. Teaching isn,t just work and work but need more responsibilities. When the work time finishes, a teacher will not finish the work. There much future works waiting. Aduh numpuk tuh koreksian. Ntar ajalah ,......................

Minggu, 05 April 2015

fun learning making sandwich

Teaching about food is fun. Simple and easy, your student need to practice. Making sandwich will be benefit for vocabulary building. These lists of vocabularies in making sandwich; bread, meat, beef, chilli and tomato sauce,mayonaise , lettuce, egg, and sausages.

I am not a vegetarian

I am not a vegetarian but I am a carnivore. No no I am sorry, I will say I am an omnivore. Yeah , I am pemakan segala gala. Makan apa saja dari cendol sàmpai ikan asin.
Why do you want to be a vegetarian? I can't imagine the mindset of a vegetariàn. Do they know that barbeque is deliciouzzz. Why they won' eat?.
Tapi kali ini menu makan dominan sayuran, menu gak spesial banget, tapi habis juga, sambal, timun, daun pepayà rebus, kemangi ( saya disuruh makan kemangi biar bergairah gitu) .
So, today's menu became very special because of hunger. Yeah , hunger is the best menu I have ever had.

Sabtu, 04 April 2015

my computer

Work with computer , do you? I feel very upset my computer had virus or the hardware is broken. I need to buy new one i think

Jumat, 03 April 2015

Do you speak english with your children?

I have three children. Some people may think that I speak English with my children. Do you know? What language do I speak to?  I just think I am Indonesian. Why should I speak english to my kids? I don't. Have strong reason. I never go abroad. Untuk APA bicara bahasa inggris. Males bgt.lagian I am not proud to use English to speak to my family.

When I was in first years of being an english teacher . I had a dream of going abroad but now. The dream is not relevant to me. I don't like English speaking country because they are secular. If I can say , I am more religious than few years ago. Instead speaking English to my kids. I prefer teaching Qur'an to them.

Kamis, 02 April 2015

how difficult rebuild septic tank

Can you imagine you should rebuild a septic tank? I don't think this will happen to me. When my septic tank is full , I should rebuild, dig the septic tank but it,s OK

when my dreams come true

I believe everyone has dreams, I do too. Do you? Not a problem if you don't have. I don't want to be a president or superman, I am just as ordinary as others. I am not extraordinary and don't think extraordinary too.

Life goes on. Raise my children, own a house, a car, get closed to mom. Go to Mecca, sure , I want to. Are my dreams extraordinary? No , no that's what most people dream of.

Saya kadang berpikir, bagaimana mencapai ITU semua. Sementara gaji saya yah lumayan. No problem lah. I just remember my dad's words' ko nek wis tekan mangsane yo kelakon' yeah when the time I get all my dreams, all will flow like water from spring on top of a mountain. I believe that insyaallah.

kurikulum 2013 is hospitalized

Uing uing uing

English teacher; what,s that?
Headmaster: oh ITU ambulance?
English teacher; is anyone sick?
Headmaster; gak ada
English teacher; who is in it?
Headmster ; oh , itu kurikulum 2013
English teacher; Yes yes yes ( murmuring) so what kurkulum we use  ?
Headmaster; sementara KTSP
English teacher; when will kurikulum 2013 be back to our school?
Headmaster; Saya tidak tahu. Tunggu saja

The english teacher feel ........,... I don,t want to say just guest what he thinks.

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Born to be a teacher vs bored to be a teacher

My dad is a teacher , and I am a teacher too. As a proverb " Buah jatuh gak jauh Dari pohonya ". Now, I think that I am born to be a teacher. In fact , i am sometimes bored to be a teacher. What a pity of me.

I believe my life is getting better. I will change my life. I will live in my own house. Maklum sekarang jadi kontraktor. Born to be a teacher or bored to be a teacher . that's the fact If I get bored , I follow the stream, if not ya OK OK sajalah.

blogging at the first time

As a teacher world of blogging is strange. But now. Blogging becomes a new hobby. Much benefit from this activity. I know much about blogging. Do I think of teaching blogging skill to others or my kids? ehmm. Waduh gimana yah, kayaknya kalo cuma2 mikir mikir deh. Tapi if the students pay me considerably I will. ( Nah kan jadi komersil),tapi gak apalah, komersil soalnya jadi guru bukan PNS belum sertifikasi lagi, harus pintar pintar cari tambahan.

Should an english teacher speak english all the time?

If you are native speaker? Yes, you can but if not you're going crazy. Ngajar bahasa Inggris dengan jumlah siswa 20 orang ngomong bahasa inggris terus, coba aja ndiri. I have been an English teacher for more than 5,year . That statement isn,t right enough. Sometimes I speak Indonesian sometimes I speak English . That,s the real situation in a classroom.

how to teach "how much"

It's simple, ask all students to bring some products and sell their stuffs to others. Don't forget to practice conversation using "how much"

What is the benefit of water play for children

Is water play good for children? The answer is yes, there is much benefit of water play for children. Children learn new thing from water play. They can feel the water texture on their skin. They learn about floating and sinking. They will increase vocabularies. Kindergarten and elementary school that promote water play setting will take much benefit from it for their students.There is much benefit of sand play setting for children too.

1. Water play presents playful activities. Children can practice many things. There is no extreme danger in water play. They will actively take risk in the play. When they plunge into a big water container, they take a risk to get wet but the water will not harm them. This setting encourages children confidence. They also can use hose tube to spray the water.

2. Water play setting builds good social interaction. Building skill to get along with others is very important for young children. Water play in the yard gives opportunity for children to engage in natural and fun conversation with others. Children will share their tools in the play.

3. Water play encourages children learn measures. You need to supply various play tools like containers in different sizes and shapes. Children will practice the word “full, empty, flow, and float, and sink” They learn science in this case. They learn the concept of sinking, floating, and flowing.

4. Water play trains children motor muscle. Children learn to point out a hose-pipe correctly to an object they want to spray. This helps their muscle work actively. Using a hose also gives children opportunity to strengthen their hands’ grab.

5. Water play gives children opportunity to take risk without threat. Playing with water has no excessive danger as long as the play is not at a swimming pool, beach or bank or a river. Water play setting in our yard of our house is a save place. What we need is to provide all water play tools and a big bath container so that children can plunge into the bath. Plunging into a bath is a fun activity. Children usually touch with their hands before they plunge into the bath. They calculate the risk by touching. In the end they encourage themselves to get down the bath.

Playing with water is a fun activity. Children have no risk to play water play setting at home that we can set the play safely. Playing with water in a swimming pool or a beach is different from playing with water using water play tools at home. Safety is a matter with water play but that should not stop children from enjoying playing with water. We should prepare and prevent accidents from the play. Safe and secure water play setting is essential before we let our children play with water. Tools and equipments are parts of the secure and safe. Choosing best toys for children is important knowledge for parents and teachers. You can search for references guides how to choose best games for children so your children will earn much benefit from their toys and games.