Kamis, 02 April 2015

when my dreams come true

I believe everyone has dreams, I do too. Do you? Not a problem if you don't have. I don't want to be a president or superman, I am just as ordinary as others. I am not extraordinary and don't think extraordinary too.

Life goes on. Raise my children, own a house, a car, get closed to mom. Go to Mecca, sure , I want to. Are my dreams extraordinary? No , no that's what most people dream of.

Saya kadang berpikir, bagaimana mencapai ITU semua. Sementara gaji saya yah lumayan. No problem lah. I just remember my dad's words' ko nek wis tekan mangsane yo kelakon' yeah when the time I get all my dreams, all will flow like water from spring on top of a mountain. I believe that insyaallah.

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