Jumat, 10 April 2015

a glas of Coffee helps me stay up

Finish teaching one school go to an English course. While waiting , I often get a sleep, take a nap in the office. In fact I hate taking a nap in the office.

 I think a glass of black coffee helps me stay up. Yes , it works. Not a beer or cola but black coffee.

 My lecturer said, learning English isn,t going to be an englishman. You just learn the language and the culture. Some students who learn English sometimes have western in their life style. ITU salah besar. APA kalau orang bile minum biir kita juga minum bir . atau orang bule kumpul kebo kits juga kumpul kebo. Gak deh. Dozen says dulu belajr di new Zealand , sembari belajar kerja dikafe kemudian ditawari bir, jawabnya gampang I am sorry I don,t drink beer.
  Gak nyambung yah tulisanya ",$uka$uka 9ue lah"

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