Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Student report tanjung lesung

Tanjung lesung is a bay villa. It is a beautiful beach. It is in Banten.

In the morning the weather is good. It is windy. There are many people doing exercise. The wave is big. My grandma, Dad, brother and I went to a restaurant in the morning. I ate toast with blueberry jam. It was delicious.

In the afternoon, the weather is so……hot. I ate lunch with my family. I enjoyed Korean noodle. It was delicious. My family and I went to a beach club. There, I  went  snorkeling. I looked at nemo fish  and other fish. They were beautiful. Then, we went swimming in a swimming pool. It was fun.
In the evening, the weather is cool. We went outside near the beach. I saw a fire show. We danced gangnam style there. I was tired but it was fun.
Reported by Putra

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